Monday, December 19, 2011

Healthy Holiday Tips

The holidays have come on quickly, haven't they!? I feel that it was just Halloween and now here we are a few days before Christmas.

The holidays are joyful, stressful and almost certainly filled with challenges to your healthy lifestyle. There are extra sweets and fun holiday foods around and there seems to be much less time for exercise. When you combine extra calories consumed, fewer calories burned and the short December days, it can lead to weight changes and more stress.

So, how do you stay healthy during the holidays?

Try some of these tips:
1. Eat at regular intervals - meaning, do not skip a meal because you are going to a party later in the day and want to eat a bunch of goodies there. Eat normally prior to going to the party so that you're not ravenous by the time you get to sample your favorite treats - this will help prevent over-indulging.
2. If time is an issue, exercise in shorter bouts. Sometimes we get hung up on not having enough time to get in our "full workout," but it's better to squeeze in a 20-minute jog than to skip it entirely.
3. Watch the booze - alcohol not only has plenty of calories, it can also increase our appetite and lowers our resolve to eat healthfully. And, of course, never drink and drive. Be safe.
4. Remember your year-round strategies for healthy eating:
eat lots of fruits and veggies, stay hydrated, eat slowly and so on

Check out this article on 10 Strategies to Prevent the Holiday Bulge:

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, all the best to you and yours!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Importance of Being Well Fed

Dining Services locations will be open at 7am from Dec 5-9th for Early Bird breakfast hours. You should eat prior to taking your early morning finals -

If you're not convinced, check out this article:
Does Eating Breakfast Affect the Performance of College Students on Biology Exams? Gregory W. Phillips at Blinn College

Ok, I know, it's finals week and the last thing you want to do is read an article that won't be on your test! So here is the gist: in this study, the college students who ate breakfast had a higher pass rate than those who did not eat breakfast.



Good luck on your finals!