It's nearly impossible to watch a half-hour of television without seeing a commercial for some kind of Greek yogurt. What's all the fuss about this kind of yogurt? It's hard to say for sure why Greek yogurt is such a hot trend but it has been around for centuries and is traditionally made using a straining process that removes the whey from the yogurt. Traditional Greek yogurt is higher in fat than most other yogurts and can therefore have a smoother, creamier mouthfeel. There are MANY different varieties of yogurts labeled as Greek yogurt on shelves in the U.S., though - so check the nutrition facts labels for what you want to know.
In general, yogurt remains a hot trend in food because it contains live, active bacteria cultures and the concepts of probiotics and even prebiotics are subjects of much research. It'll be interesting to learn what these healthy little critters might be able to do for human health in the future. In addition, yogurt is another way to get calcium and a little protein.
In the meantime, if you're into yogurt or Greek yogurt (pictured above: Greek God brand Greek yogurt in Roger's Place on Revelle College), you will find plenty of options in Dining Services restaurants and Places & Markets. In the restaurants, you will find yogurt on the Fruit and Yogurt bars everyday. In the Places & Markets, you will find a variety of yogurts in individual servings.