Have you heard of these diets?
The Baby Food Diet
The Twinkie Diet
The Twitter Diet
Click here for a brief news clip about these 3 fad diets: http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/food_food&id=8216089
Here's the deal, people. There is no fad diet that is a magical cure-all for weight reduction or weight maintenance. The Baby Food diet does not make sense and will be really, really boring after half of a day. The Twinkie or Hostess diet...well, that's just wrong. Those types of foods, while delicious (or in my mom's opinion, "repulsive!" - she only likes home-cooked baked goods), lack nutrients for a healthy intake. And really, you won't want to eat a cupcake or Twinkie every meal...even if it sounds kind of fun right now. The Twitter diet? It's not a really a diet but a way to post your intake and keep yourself accountable in an online social community.
The Real Deal here?
Diets don't work! Healthy eating and regular exercise do!
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