Or did you eat whenever you could, often without others, perhaps in front of the television? How many of you now eat while looking at your iPad or smartphone?
Sure, things have changed and we have more distractions everyday. There is good reason to hark back to traditional family meals, though. Some experts believe that eating together with your family makes you a more competent eater and overall healthier individual. Research on adolescents have shown connections between eating together as a family and positive health outcomes such as better grades and healthier weights. For more information, check out: http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20110717/EDIT05/307179978/1147/EDIT07tt
There could even be a connection between eating together as a family and becoming a competent eater, an individual who enjoys meals, eats when hungry and stops when full, has a healthy relationship with food and likes a variety of foods.
So, try it this week - sit down to a relaxed dinner with your family, friends or roommates. Turn off the TV and electronic distractions, talk to each other and enjoy the food and experience!
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